Corporate Citizenry and Charitable Contributions
ALPS has an enduring commitment to being a good corporate citizen in the communities we serve and the places where our employees live, work, and play.
We do this by:

Philanthropically giving back to society

Providing meaningful opportunities for ALPS employees to give back
Interested in Receiving Support From ALPS?
ALPS' main (but not only) focus for charitable giving is on programs that directly benefit children in our community, and especially those that are under-privileged. We generally do not contribute toward capital campaigns and prefer to fund a specific service or purchase, as opposed to a “general” or operating account.
ALPS has a Charitable Contributions Committee that receives more requests than we can support. A decision not to fund a request does not imply that the applicant's program is not needed or valued. Rather, it simply may not fall within our giving guidelines or budgetary constraints are preventing support for this cycle.
The ALPS Charitable Contributions Committee generally does not provide charitable donations to the following:
- Individuals or individual endeavors.
- Private foundations.
- Organizations that do not qualify as charitable 501(c)(3) organizations as defined by the Internal Revenue Code.
- Projects of a political nature or designed to influence legislation or elect candidates to public office.
- Projects of sectarian or religious organizations whose services are limited to members of any one religious group.
- Any project that in any manner implies restriction of services based on sex, race, age and religious affiliations.
- Reducing or eliminating a pre-existing debt.
- Health care issues or organizations.
- Permanent endowment funds.
- Advertising.
- Team sponsorships.
Organizations We Proudly Support

To Request Support
The ALPS Charitable Contributions Committee meets every quarter to review charitable requests. We encourage organizations to submit their requests well ahead of their due dates. Requests that are received with a due date before our next Committee meeting will not be able to be considered.
We take into account the following criteria when reviewing requests:
- Organizational and financial management
- Program objectives
- A diverse number of people who will benefit from funding
- Existing services offered
- Existing funding sources and stability
- Organizational history
- Ability to measure success
For charitable requests totaling $500 or less
Please email Lisa Kubla detailing the activity/project, action plan, and goals.
For organizations requesting charitable support of greater than $500:
Please complete our ALPS Charitable Contributions form and include the required attachments.
ALPS Employee Giving
ALPS employees are encouraged to get involved and to give back to their communities. Every employee has 24 hours of annual paid time that they can use to volunteer at non-profits of their choice during work hours.
We also offer each employee a matching donation to their individual personal financial contributions made to the non-profit organization of their choice.
By fostering a culture of giving within our employee family, we believe we are empowering individuals both in their professional lives and as members of society.
ALPS employees give back by: