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David A. Bell

President & CEO



David is the President & CEO of ALPS Corporation and Property & Casualty Insurance Company. He was previously the global Chief Operating Officer of Allied World, a publicly traded insurance and reinsurance company.

He currently serves on the board and the executive committee of APCIA (American Property Casualty Insurers Association) where he has chaired Finance and Investments as well as having served as the Industry PAC board chair. He also is a member of the boards of directors of the Bank of Montana, the Missoula Montana Airport Authority and the Mansfield Center. The Mansfield Center promotes a better understanding of Asia and of U.S. relations with Asia, and David served as board chair for that organization.

Previously he served on the board and as president of PLUS (Professional Liability Underwriting Society) and on the board of the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

David has presented to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), focusing on expropriation and kidnap/ransom in Asia and the Middle East, and he has spoken and written extensively on the subject of insurance risk transfer.

After graduating from the University of Montana in 1996 with a degree in finance he began his career with Chubb where he subsequently became an Executive Protection Manager and Chubb’s lead lobbyist in the state of Florida.

David co-founded and serves on the board of Grateful Nation Montana, a first-of-its-kind in the nation organization that provides tutoring, mentoring and a college education for the children of Montana soldiers killed while on active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has appeared on NBC Nightly News, Fox & Friends, NPR and numerous other national television and radio outlets talking about the need to make funding educations for the children of our fallen soldiers a national priority.

In 2010 David authored a book titled The Best Quotes on Business, Leadership & Life.

David and his wife Brittany live in Missoula and have two children, Trent and Ivy.

'We understand that choosing the right partner to protect your firm means knowing that we'll be there when you need us. With ALPS, we are invested in your success. You're not buying a policy. You're buying a promise.'