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Insurance Glossary

The world of insurance for law firms can be confusing, and difficult to navigate. We've created this glossary because these common insurance terms should be easy to understand.

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In the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity, it’s easy to feel like we’re surrounded. With wire fraud, data breaches, and ransomware, all looming and zooming overhead, just getting our work done can feel insurmountable. Well, take a breather: we’ve brought together global security experts, forensic hackers, and lawyers who are writing history right now in the cybersecurity field with weekly tips and takeaways to help you keep your firm protected.

lawyer fucks around and finds out

3 min read

7 Ways Law Firms Invite a Data Breach

Why Would Law Firms Invite a Data Breach? We fall back on the words of Forrest Gump. “Stupid is as stupid does.” 2023 was a very bad year for law firms – not only were many law firms breached – and some from BigLaw, but the class action attorneys...

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Great Law Firm Cybersecurity Without Breaking the Bank

5 min read

Great Law Firm Cybersecurity Without Breaking the Bank

Has Your New Year’s Resolution to Up Your Cybersecurity Game Turned to Dust? Don’t let that happen! There’s plenty of time in 2024 to address your...

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3 min read

Are Your Court Reporters Vulnerable - A Cyber Security Checklist

The numbers are alarming: At least six AmLaw 100 firms have been the targets of cyberattacks so far in 2023, according to the American Lawyer.

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Strong cybersecurity posture

4 min read

Why It’s Imperative to Maintain a Strong Cybersecurity Posture Even Though It’s a Pain

My cyber security awareness training never stops; and even though much of it is self-inflicted I often feel like I’m still losing ground. In fact,...

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3 min read

Why Shadow AI is a Problem for Law Firms

Remember Shadow IT? Well say 'hello' to its pal, Shadow AI There were plenty of articles written about Shadow IT — defined by Cisco as “the use of...

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three lawyers celebrate now that they can use ChatGPT in their legal work

3 min read

ChatGPT Is a Lot More Valuable to Lawyers Now

Lawyers complained that ChatGPT was not entirely useful to them because it was limited to data prior to September 2021 – a huge limitation for an...

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a lawyer is sad that he has been phished by a hacker using chatGPT

3 min read

Breached Law Firms Bemoan: "The Class Action Attorneys Have Found Us"

Remember the Golden Ticket from Willy Wonka? A lot of lawyers thought they had discovered a golden ticket when they discovered ChatGPT. They were...

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a train is featured to serve as a metaphor for the cyber threats barreling towards you at the speed of a train.

4 min read

Why Your Law Firm Needs Social Engineering Awareness Training

Some time ago I had a conversation with a few lawyers who had come close to being scammed out of several hundred thousand dollars. While I was...

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a lawyer uses their handprint to identify themselves as a more secure alternative to passwords

3 min read

Passwords May be Extinct Sooner Than You Think

Lawyers Hate Passwords Lawyers have hated passwords since passwords first made their appearance. They resisted having them until their employer (or...

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a lawyer checks their cell phone

5 min read

Mobile Device Security Best Practices: Stay Secure While on the Go

In today's connected world, mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. They provide us with convenience, communication, and a wealth of...

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A lawyer contemplates the good and bad ways to use AI in her legal practice

5 min read

The Right (And Wrong) Way to Use AI as a Lawyer

The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire. Their war to exterminate mankind had raged for decades, but the final battle would not be...

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A lawyer cringes at the idea of implementing Zero Trust Architecture for their law firm's network

6 min read

Law Firms Cringe, But Bow to the Need for Zero Trust Architecture

Zero Trust Architecture simplified Lawyers have a “deer in the headlights” look whenever we talk about Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) - and we do...

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