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Insurance Glossary

The world of insurance for law firms can be confusing, and difficult to navigate. We've created this glossary because these common insurance terms should be easy to understand.

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2 min read

Gifts From Clients Aren’t Always Problem Free

Sometimes clients genuinely wish to say thanks, particularly during this time of year, and the giving of a gift can be a very appropriate and meaningful way for clients to do so. However, the interesting question is this. Does the acceptance of a...

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6 min read

ALPS In Brief Podcast-Episode 4: Opening a Law Firm? Think About Protecting Your Future.

<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;"...

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1 min read

Be Nice: Lawyer to Lawyer Communication

We all know that clients can be difficult at times. But do lawyers have to be difficult too? Here are a few reminders about what not to do when...

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2 min read

Conflicts of Interest: How Past Representations Can Become a Current Problem

Malpractice claims alleging a conflict of interest have been a serious concern for insurers for years. One of the reasons is this. Conflict of...

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3 min read

Working With a Direct Writer

Many times friends or colleagues outside of ALPS ask me, “What’s the hardest part of your job?” A lot of people assume that it’s really hard talking...

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1 min read

Does Your Law Firm Need Cyber Coverage?

The short answer is yes. The common thought most law firms have is, “I’m too small a fish to worry about being hacked . . . there are bigger fish to...

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3 min read

Considering Limited Scope Representation? Don’t Play Fast and Loose with the RPCs.

Let’s review the basics. ABA Model Rule 1.2 (c) allows a lawyer to limit the scope of the representation if the limitation is reasonable under the...

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4 min read

When Purchasing a Law Practice, Never Run with Assumptions

Assumptions. We all make them day after day. In fact, as I see it, doing so allows most days to progress with some level of predictability. For...

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4 min read

Why Declinations Really Do Need to Be Tracked

I’ve always been curious about why some attorneys never take the time to make sure that at least the name of every declined prospective client makes...

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3 min read

Try Not To Be A Patsy, Seriously.

I’m not sure why, but I’ve always had a fondness for the word patsy. While the word doesn’t seem to be in wide use anymore, I personally believe the...

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4 min read

How To Identify The Potential Clients You Really Should Say No To

(Updated March 2024) Everyone makes a wrong decision now and again. Unfortunately, if the wrong decision was agreeing to take on a client that you...

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3 min read

Presenting Electronically In Trial - Five Things To Think About

Last week I watched a trial. Usually, I do this from the “hotseat,” running the electronic trial technology and presenting exhibits. This time, I...

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4 min read

Don't Minimize The Importance Of Managing Your Side Of the Attorney-Client Relationship

Over the years, numerous articles have been written on how to successfully manage attorney-client relationships. Typically, these articles emphasize...

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