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Insurance Glossary

The world of insurance for law firms can be confusing, and difficult to navigate. We've created this glossary because these common insurance terms should be easy to understand.

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tales from the claims files

When it does happen, claims are handled by ALPS in-house claims attorneys. They’ve seen it all. And they don’t always give advice or share stories, but when they do …

A lawyer who has just opened their own law firm

6 min read

The Basics of Starting Your Own Law Firm

My old boss was fond of the saying, “Hanging a solo shingle right out of law school is almost per se malpractice.” Although it may not be that extreme, one would be wise to gain at least a general understanding of the practice of law before going it...

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very sleepy lawyer who wasn't prioritizing their health has fallen asleep at their desk

2 min read

Lawyers: Sleep is the Key to Staying Mentally Sharp

Research has shown that lawyers are among the most sleep-deprived professionals. Most adults need seven or eight hours of sleep each night, at a...

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3 min read

3 Examples of Legal Malpractice Causes and Suggested Safeguards

We at ALPS have talked for many years about safeguards to implement to protect your firm (and your clients!) from a potential disaster. Although...

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2 min read

Why You Should Care About State Bar Endorsements

Every so often we get asked to write a blog for the company website, and usually I pick a topic based on a claim I'm currently involved in,...

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a race track spells out a message of readiness for attorneys looking to wind down their practice.

2 min read

Avoiding Ghosts from the Past in Retirement

Whether as a distant goal or immediate concern, at some point in every lawyer’s career he or she will contemplate retirement. According to the...

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a tree grows out of a book

3 min read

What Trees Can Teach Us About Reducing Legal Malpractice Risk

I’m lucky to spend some of my free time running in Montana’s mountains and woods. Over the years I’ve occasionally returned from a run with a little...

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one attorney coaches another

4 min read

How Can We Take Better Care of Our Attorneys? Part II.

On February 16, 2023, Ryan True began a discussion on the ALPS blog by asking this question: How Can We Take Better Care of Our Attorneys? Ryan cited...

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retroactive coverage date

2 min read

When Shopping Malpractice Insurance: Pay Attention to Your Retroactive Coverage Date

When considering a change in lawyer's malpractice liability carriers, understanding the effect of a retroactive coverage date in a claims-made policy...

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A lawyer contemplates the good and bad ways to use AI in her legal practice

5 min read

The Right (And Wrong) Way to Use AI as a Lawyer

The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire. Their war to exterminate mankind had raged for decades, but the final battle would not be...

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woods as a metaphor for the statutes of limitations

3 min read

Are We Out of the Woods Yet? Statutes of Limitations for Legal Malpractice Claims

If you’re coming across this post, chances are that you’ve just Googled something like, “what is the statute of limitations for legal malpractice...

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A lawyer learns his lesson with regards to engagement letters and points at the lesson with his hand

3 min read

A Properly Drafted Engagement Letter Can Help Defend Legal Malpractice Claims

At ALPS, we strongly encourage you to use engagement letters — so much so that if a claim is made against you and handled under certain policy forms,...

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a lawyer looks into a maze because he can't find his client

2 min read

But What if You Can't Find Your Client?

There is no shortage of ethics articles reminding you to pay attention to the occasionally overlooked question of who is the client and when a ...

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3 min read

Can A Lawyer Represent a Family Member?

At some point in every lawyer’s career, a family member will ask for legal advice and the question arises of whether a lawyer can represent a family...

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