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tales from the claims files

2 min read

Working on Healthy Attorney Client Relationships

As I sit at home working in relative isolation wondering when the second COVID-19 wave will crest (or is it part two of the first wave?), I have some additional time to ponder some of the whys of the claims currently on report.You have no doubt...

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2 min read

Are You A Fixer? Don't Try to Fix Your Potential Malpractice Claim

Attorneys are fixers. This characteristic may be natural for some or was instilled and molded through law school for others but, however it came to...

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2 min read


When thinking of a topic for this blog, I initially had a few ideas bouncing around in my head related to avoiding malpractice. But then what was a...

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2 min read

Learn to Laugh at Yourself

Q: What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer?A: An offer you can’t understand. Q: How does an attorney sleep?A: First he lies on...

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4 min read

Don't Leave Yourself Exposed - The New Year is the Perfect Time to Evaluate Your Professional Liability Coverage Limits

January is a time for making new resolutions, setting goals and evaluating what works and what can be improved. Generally, a majority of these...

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2 min read

What Are They and Why Should Lawyers Bother with Them?

In the Claims world, we love closure letters. Unfortunately, we rarely see them in the files – perhaps that is because attorneys who send closure...

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2 min read

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice — Perspective

It is almost Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner. All of the retailers panicked with 7 fewer days to shop between Thanksgiving and...

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3 min read

Notice Under the Claims Made and Reported Policy: You Are Your Partner’s Keeper

Maybe obvious, but one of the most important considerations in a claims made and reported insurance policy is timely reporting. ALPS’ Claims Made...

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2 min read

Money Can’t Fix Everything – Especially If It's the Problem

It is often said that money is the root of all evil. I don’t know if that’s true but what is true is money is the center of all legal malpractice...

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3 min read

Burritos or Briefs – It’s About Preparation

What does making and freezing 30 breakfast burritos have in common with trial? Last weekend, as I found myself standing in the kitchen, elbows deep...

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2 min read

Malpractice Insurance and the Dreaded Reservation of Rights Letter

I suspect having to deal with an allegation of malpractice isn’t something anyone would put on a list of “things I look forward to” for all kinds of...

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3 min read

WTF is Going On with Lawyers Falling for Wire Fraud?

In the last couple of years, I have seen several instances where an attorney receives an email from a hacker pretending to be opposing counsel...

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3 min read

Stay Out of the Sand Traps: Common Malpractice Mistakes

We are all human (although non-lawyers may question from time to time whether lawyers are an entirely different species) and even the best lawyers...

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