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Why It's Important to Listen to Your Employees

2 min read

Why It's Important to Listen to Your Employees

Every 18 months, ALPS conducts an anonymous employee-engagement survey to determine how our people are feeling about working here at ALPS. We have found that providing a space for feedback about our workplace allows people to respond honestly.  It also allows us additional time to truly listen to what is being said. This year the results of our survey earned us the distinction of a Top Workplace 2021 in the state of Montana.

The process started several months ago when we asked our people to bravely share what is working and what is not working in their employment at ALPS.  We have been riding the wave of a pandemic while still being successful in what we do — however simply because we are successful doesn’t necessarily mean everything is going well below the surface. It’s important not to equate financial benchmarks with employee satisfaction.

There can be a feeling of unease when someone asks you what you think of them, so it can be difficult for employees when the company requests their candor.  Sharing an opinion on how something should be done is one thing, but sharing opinions about the company and the people you work for can be uncomfortable for employees. With anonymity we strive to get the most honest feedback possible because how can we change as a company if we don’t know where the problems lie?

This is where the listening part comes into play. By listening to some ‘tough love’ responses we heard that: we are an excellent place to work and that we have room for improvement. We had one employee comment, “I feel ALPS has the best interest of all parties – employees and clients.” This was important to hear as we strive for this outcome with every person that interacts with ALPS whether client or employee. It was shared by an employee that communicating “more information on long-term goals and strategies” would help them feel more informed about the company. Important information to hear so that we can all be working together towards the same outcomes. Another employee shared that “I always feel as if I am heard at ALPS. If I have an idea, suggestion, or comment I am never dismissed.” This is a driver in the success of our culture as communication is key to accomplishing great things.

Thank you to all the people at ALPS for participating and for helping us accomplish this milestone. We are by no means ready to say we are the best, however, we can say our people believe we are a Top Workplace and will help us strive to keep it that way.

Interested in Working at ALPS?

If you value creativity and innovation and would like to join a company that strives to create the best work environment, then ALPS may be a great fit for your next career move.

ALPS is an equal opportunity employer. We embrace diversity and individuality.



Liesel Brink is ALPS' Director of Human Resources.

ALPS In Brief Podcast - Episode 79: Exploring Careers in Insurance: Insights from ALPS HR Experts

ALPS In Brief Podcast - Episode 79: Exploring Careers in Insurance: Insights from ALPS HR Experts

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