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Insurance Glossary

The world of insurance for law firms can be confusing, and difficult to navigate. We've created this glossary because these common insurance terms should be easy to understand.

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how to start a law firm

It can be scary to open up your practice. From office space to malpractice insurance to marketing and management software, facing the reality that you are a business owner charged with making the right choice can feel overwhelming. You're going to do great. We've got your back.

A lawyer who has just opened their own law firm

6 min read

The Basics of Starting Your Own Law Firm

My old boss was fond of the saying, “Hanging a solo shingle right out of law school is almost per se malpractice.” Although it may not be that extreme, one would be wise to gain at least a general understanding of the practice of law before going it...

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How much does it cost to start a law firm

4 min read

Planning Law Firm Expenses: How Much Does It Cost to Start a Law Firm?

The dream of starting a law firm can sometimes conflict with the reality of how much it costs. Those costs can vary greatly depending on what type of...

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A lawyer  sits on the floor applying for malpractice insurance online

4 min read

What You Need to Know Before Applying for Your 1st Malpractice Insurance Policy

Here at ALPS, we do try our absolute best to make sure the application process is as seamless and convenient as possible. That said, if you have a...

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5 min read

Law Firm Technology: A Guide for Solo and Small Practitioners

Have you ever picked up a random pile of Legos, and tried to build something? Sure, it’s a creative endeavor; but the end result often looks like...

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4 min read

A Law Firm Business Plan for Success

Lawyers starting a new firm usually feel confused, overwhelmed, and stressed. That’s how I felt when I started my solo firm in 2006. Since then, I’ve...

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9 min read

Small Law Firm Marketing – 5 Things You Need To Know

YOU’RE STARTING A LAW FIRM; NOW HOW DO YOU MARKET YOUR PRACTICE? The word marketing has so many definitions, just the thought of creating a law firm...

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8 min read

3 Things Every Law Firm Website Needs

READY TO GET STARTED? LET’S GO! Many law firms waste too much money on web designers that may build them pretty websites. The problem is that...

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