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Need to Make a Change During Your Policy Year?

Follow the instructions below To Add/Delete an Attorney, Change Your Firm's Address, or to change its Name:

All changes must come from the attorney designated as your firm’s Insurance Contact.


To Add an Attorney To Your Policy:

Step 1: Complete an Individual Attorney Supplement for each attorney you would like to add to your firm's policy. Additional Supplements may be required.

Step 2: Email any completed supplements to your account manager and include the date you are requesting the attorney be added to your policy.* 


To Remove an Attorney From Your Policy:

Step 1: Email your account manager with the name(s) of the attorney(s), when the attorney departed, or the date you are requesting this change to be effective on your policy.*

* Please refer to your firm's policy (Section 6.H.1 & 6.H.2) for complete policy language. During the Policy Period, if any firm requests an increase or decrease by more than 50% in the total number of Attorneys, ALPS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to re‐evaluate the risk insured under this Policy and to take appropriate underwriting action.


To Change Your Firm's Name or Your Firm's Address:

Step 1: Email your account manager requesting the name/address change and when the name/address change took (or will take) place.